Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about Bitders.

See our News Contact Support is an international investment company based in England, UK.

Yes, the company is under the government regulator Companies House.

No, Services are Provided to adults only

Yes, the company has permission from Companies House, For More information can be found on the government website of the UK Registration Chamber

An Investment can be any amount from 1 USD to 100 USD

Yes, You can register without a Sponsor.

Opening an account with us is absolutely free. We do not charge you any hidden fees or service charges. The commission on operations and additional costs is included in the company's profit from crypto trading.

Applications for withdrawal of funds will be processed instantly.

Yes, you can have an unlimited number of deposits and unlimited investments in one account, but each of them will work independently of each other.

After assigning the representative status you can advise novice investors who need additional information about cooperation with the company. After helping you become their upline, and they become your referrals if they use your affiliate link for registration. To motivate you to provide high-quality consulting services, we pay a higher affiliate commission of first tier. It amounts to 15% instead of regular 10%.

Because you must always wait until 2 confirmations before it's credited to your account, and it only depends on the speed of the Bitcoin network. These links are very useful for you: and

Withdrawals are instant.